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Success stories
Here’s what veterinary professionals say about Vet Times Jobs recruitment services.

Jo Senior
Crossriggs Veterinary Surgery
“Thank you! Our lovely new nurse started yesterday – and she’s amazing! It’s a dream come true. I’ll certainly contact you if I have any recruitment needs in the future.”

Dr Ruth Hollinghurst
Trafford Veterinary Centre
“Thank you! Our lovely new nurse started yesterday – and she’s amazing! It’s a dream come true. I’ll certainly contact you if I have any recruitment needs in the future.”
Why Vet Times Jobs?
- Vet Times Jobs is on a mission to make all veterinary practices a place where everyone can thrive throughout their careers.
- We are the UK’s leading veterinary recruitment platform. With more than 19,000 active job users and a 18,500+ social media audience, Vet Times Jobs reaches a wide range of relevant candidates in print, online, and on mobile.
- Our range of advertising options gives you the flexibility to reach your target audience and boost your response rates.
- Our friendly team of recruitment experts is here to help you every step of the way.
- We’re committed to finding the best candidates for your practice.
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